
“We shape our buildings; thereafter, they shape us.” — Winston Churchill

“我们塑造我们的建筑;之后,他们塑造了我们。” — 温斯顿·丘吉尔

“A great building must begin with the immeasurable, must go through measurable means when it is being designed, and in the end must be unmeasured.” — Louis Kahn, architect

“资本对象必须从不可测量开始,在设计时必须通过可测量的手段,并且最终必须是不可测量的。” ——路易斯·卡恩,建筑师

“Construction is the art of making a meaningful whole out of many parts. Buildings are witnesses to the human ability to construct concrete things.” — Peter Zumthor, architect

“建筑是一门从多个部分创造出一个有意义的整体的艺术。建筑物是人类建造具体事物能力的见证。” ——彼得·卒姆托,建筑师

“In construction, we don’t just work with concrete and steel, but with hope and dreams.” — Jackie “The Jackhammer” Jackson

“在建筑中,我们不仅仅使用混凝土和钢材,我们还带着希望和梦想。”——Jackie “The Jackhammer” Jackson

“From blueprints to buildings, we’re making dreams tangible.” — Larry “The Foreman” Franklin

“从蓝图到建筑,我们让梦想变得切实可行。” — 拉里·“工头”·富兰克林

“Brick by brick, stone by stone, every great thing was built by those who believed they could.” — Tom “The Mason” Mitchell

“一砖一砖,一石一石,每一件伟大的事情都是由那些相信自己能够做到的人建造的。” — 汤姆·“梅森”·米切尔

“Success isn’t just the building itself. It’s the journey of building, the growing, the learning. It’s construction in progress.” — Fred “Foreman” Foster

“成功不仅仅是建筑本身。”这是一个建设、成长、学习的旅程。这是一个正在进行的建设。”—— Fred“Foreman”Foster‍

“In the construction world, tools are important. But the greatest tool you have is your mind.” — Rebecca Barnessin


“There’s no satisfaction like seeing a house stand tall because of your own hands.” — Samantha “The Carpenter” Chapman

“没有什么比看到一座房子因自己的双手而矗立起来更令人满足的了。” — 萨曼莎·“木匠”·查普曼

“Architecture should speak of its time and place, but yearn for timelessness.” — Frank Gehry


“Construction is a matter of optimism; it’s a matter of facing the future with confidence.” — Cesar Pelli


“I told my kids that being in construction was like playing with LEGOs, but with more cursing.” 😊 — Dave “Nails” Brown


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